Free animated
Christmas icons.
Sprinkle some magic to your website, app, or presentation with these animated Christmas icons. Created with love by Iconfinder’s contributors and partnering animators 💙
Available in GIF, MP4 and JSON (for Lottie).
Download all animated icons
5 animated icons + 60 icons in SVG and PNG.
designed by Roundicons.
View icon set on Iconfinder

Holidays & Events.

5 animated icons + 15 icons in svg and png.
DESIGNed BY Chanut is industries.
View icon set on Iconfinder

Christmas - Amazing theme.

5 animated icons + 20 icons in svg and png.
designed by sooodesign.
View icon set on Iconfinder


5 animated icons + 36 icons in svg and png.
designed by monkik.
View icon set on Iconfinder


5 animated icons + 20 icons in svg and png.
designed by Mangsaabguru.
View icon set on Iconfinder

Winter Activity.

Available in GIF, MP4 and JSON (for Lottie).
Download all animated icons

asked questions.

Can I use this commercially?
Yes, you can! The only no-go is reselling these icons or claiming them as your own. Together with people who created these beauties, we are distributing them for free, so we ask you to respect that. Whether you use them for personal or commercial use, our Basic License provides guidance on what is okay and not okay.
Which format should I use?
Use .gif format for presentations, emails, newsletters and social media. For websites we recommend using .json along with Lottie library to maintain icon scalability and sharpness (see the next FAQ for more details). When it comes to still icons, use .png for presentations, newsletters and social media, and go for .svg format for the Web and print design.
How do I use the .json files?
Using the .json files, the Bodymovin plugin, and Lottie library, you can implement the animations on the Web. Want to know exactly how? Say no more—we have written this blog post to help you out.

Who designed and animated these icons?
The icon sets were designed by Roundicons, Chanut is Industries, Sooodesign, Monkik, and Mangsaabguru, respectively. They are the legal copyright owners of these icons. Animated versions were created as part of the Week of Icons 2018 - a collaborative project between Iconfinder and Adobe. Most of the animations were done by Yup Nguyen, while the red car was animated by Luke Roberts.
What is included in the download file?
The download file includes 25 animated icons in .gif, .json and .mp4 formats, as well as 151 static icons from all five sets in .png and .svg (resizable vector format).
How can I use these icons?
That’s entirely up to you! You can embed them to your website, add to a presentation, share on social media, or send one to a special one to brighten up their day.
Where can I find more beautiful Holiday icons?
Check out our Christmas and Winter categories. We are also adding our staff picks to this Christmas 2019 collection.

Christmas is about giving. Can I buy these icons to support the creators, instead of getting them for free?
You are most welcome! You can use the following links to purchase the still versions of the icons: Christmas - Amazing theme, Winter, Holidays & Events, Christmas, and Winter Activity. The animated icons are on us.
Is Santa real?
Assuming that each child gets nothing more than a medium-sized Lego set (two pounds), the sleigh is carrying over 500 thousand tons, not counting Santa himself. On land, a conventional Reindeer can pull no more than 300 pounds. It's unlikely that Santa is real.
Animated Holiday icons brought to you by Iconfinder 💙
We wish you a Merry Christmas!